Wednesday, 7 February 2018

Cloud Zombie's Land Of Dystopia and Post-Apocalypse

This little segment is not really for reviews but instead it has me talking about some of my favourite dystopia/post-apocalyptic fiction (Films, Tv, Books and Games). They are not always necessarily good or bad, some of them are bloody atrocious but sometimes that can make it more fun. You get to choose if you want to give them a try if you haven’t already seen them.

New me, new dystopia

It’s 2018, and with a new year ahead of us we are (for the most part) full of hope that this year will a more joyous utopian one. That doomsday clock seems to be mocking us but we’ve survived another year and we’ll have the last laugh if we survive 2018.

Image courtesy of XKCD.

With that in mind I would like to look at the year ahead and see what new dystopia and post-apocalypse themed things will be coming our way for 2018, listing a few that are to come and talk about ones I’m excited for.


To name a few that have caught my eye while browsing the net:

  • Maze Runner: The Death Cure
  • Pacific Rim: Uprising
  • Ready Player One
  • Mortal Engines
  • Captive State
  • Patient Zero

They are all different enough to look forward to. Maze Runner: The Death Cure is the third and final instalment of the Maze Runner series, so far the films have been pretty fun. Try the books if you get the chance because they have a lot of deph to them. Pacific Rim, while more of a Kaiju movie, has caused a dystopian/post apocalyptic world so I win.

Seriously though, I’m looking forward to this so much! I watch the first film after the 2014 Godzilla to add that edge that it’s missing. Ready Player One seems to be highly anticipated and I have the book in my to-read pile, so hopefully I get a read before the film comes out. Mortal Engines sounds like a great story, though I admittedly didn’t know anything about this one I’m sure it will be fun.

With Captive State, I’m going out on a limb because it’s alien occupation. It kind of evokes sensations of dystopia/post-apocalype and kind of reminds me of District 9. Patient Zero is a cool-looking zombie flick with a twist starring one of my favourite Doctors, Matt Smith.

TV Series

  • Hard Sun
  • Snowpiercer
  • Judge Dredd: Mega City One

Hard Sun is a pre-apocalyptic detective series that sounds pretty interesting, and I will be taking a peek when I can. Snowpiercer sounds pretty awesome, depicting the last survivors of Earth travelling the globe while living aboard a train. Judge Dredd: Mega City One sounds like it could be cool. Dredd is an awesome character and his world is one I’d like to know more about.


  • The Last Girl on Earth by Alexandra Blogier
  • 84K by Claire North
  • Active Memory (Mirador #3) by Dan Wells
  • Mayfly by Jeff Sweat
  • SuperMoon by H.A.Swain
  • The City Where We Once Lived by Eric Barnes
  • Suicide Club by Rachel Heng
  • New York 2140: A Novel by Kim Stanley Robinson

I like the look of all these books including Dan Wells’ latest book in his "Mirador" series. I have talked about the first book Bluescreen in my earlier posts. Check that out and give it a try if you like a little cyberpunk dystopia.


  • The Last of Us: Part II
  • We Happy Few
  • Days Gone
  • Metro Exodus

Firstly if you haven’t played The Last of Us, go and do it now. Yes, now. I’m sure you’re not doing anything that important. I’m sure that surgery can wait till later. Secondly, I'm constantly holding in a big squee for The Last of Us Part II! I have been looking forward to a sequel since the credits rolled on the first game, and the trailers have been amazing so far.

We Happy Few looks absolutely batshit insane, I tried a little bit of the early access and it looks like it’s going to be tricky and interesting.Days Gone gives us a new feel to zombie games with a little bit of a The Last of Us feel. I’m hoping this turns out to be the game it wants to be. The gameplay seemed interesting when I played the demo at 2017’s EGX in Birmingham.

Metro Exodus is the third instalment to the ‘Metro’ games, I’ve enjoyed what I did play but need to jump back into it.

That's all from me! As usual, thank you for reading!

Kat (aka Cloud Zombie) is a daydreaming enthusiast and self-professed Minecraft/Sims junkie from Kent, England.

She blogs about her passions over at cloudzombie, covering everything from video games, movies and TV all the way to baking.

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