Monday, 19 October 2015

The Crazy Train! Episode 34 - "MailbagCast!"

In this episode of The Crazy Train...

  • Blake doubles up.
  • Rob goes off on one about spiders.
  • We talk about the difference between gypsies and others.
  • We decide to do an impromptu mailbag with previously unavailable guests Marc and Brad.
  • From the mailbag: What is your favourite word?
  • From the mailbag: What is your least favourite word?
  • From the mailbag: If you could give 15-year-old you one piece of advice for the future, what would it be?
  • Rob tells a hypothetical story.
  • From the mailbag: Did you ever have a toy growing up that, looking back, you realise was a complete piece of shit?
  • From the mailbag: If you had the power to do so, what act would you put in place to attempt to make the world a better place?
  • From the mailbag: If you had the power to do so, what act would you put in place for purely frivolous reasons that means nothing on paper?
  • We spin into this question: When did you last catch your brain thinking something and go "For F***'s sake!"?
  • From the mailbag: What was the last movie you saw that blew you away?
  • We talk a bit about actors and how they've influenced our lives.

Starring: Rob Wade, Blake Harmer, Marc Cummins, Brad Harmer.

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