Monday, 30 November 2020

SWC+ Round Table - Episode 21: The Round Table Returns!

Hi everyone, Rob here.

As you might have noticed if you've seen the good Mr Cast's posts, the Round Table has been set up on a brand new feed. There are a couple of reasons for this, but part of it is that we at the Star Wars Commonwealth have decided to rethink the shape of the network. After some discussions, while the network isn't going anywhere, we are making some changes. To highlight the changes, and discuss a little of the thinking behind them, Rob Cast brought together some of the hosts across the network (Tim from The Nerd Room, Rob Williams from Generation X-Wing) and myself to discuss the new direction, the new name and the future.

My current plan is to continue to support the Round Table by continuing to add it to the Talk Star Wars podcast feed for a decent length of time (6-12 months) to give people a chance to get a feel for the new show, and to allow plenty of time for people to migrate.

Anyway, enjoy! I'm on this, my first podcast appearance in 9 months! It felt wonderful to talk to the guys, and to give a little bit of background behind the 2020 plan for Talk Star Wars (and, ultimately, what went wrong).

Rob Wade

"This month the Round Table returns! Rob is joined by Rob Wade, Rob Williams and Tim Truax to discuss the SWC rebrand and the re-launch of the Round Table."





Friday, 27 November 2020

E14 Endorsed: The Roman Pod And Cast - Episode 244 | Yoda Coup

This week Roman and Rob discuss Rob’s Birthday, Metal Murals, the US election, unsolicited advice and much, much more. A proud member of the Emotionally 14 Family, the EMC and The Tangent-Bound Networks.

Roman Pod And Cast

Roman LeBeau and Robert Cast are just a couple of Canadians 🇨🇦 that put our own twist on headlines and trending stories. Not to worry. We try to keep the "eh's" and hockey talk to a minimum!





Thursday, 26 November 2020

E14 Endorsed: The Nerd Room Episode #246: WW84, MS. MARVEL, DEADPOOL 3

Join hosts Tim and Carlos to discuss the latest from the world of Nerd including; WW84, Ms. Marvel (D+), and Deadpool 3 (MCU?). They also breakdown Chapter 12 of The Mandalorian and speculate what the rest of S2 could look like!

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Be sure to check out more from the Star Wars Commonwealth and follow Talk Star Wars, Tumbling Saber, Generation X-Wing, Rogue Squadron Podcast, San Diego Sabers Radio Podcast, and Sandcrawler Podcast!

The Nerd Room

A Star Wars, Marvel, & DC Podcast
A weekly podcast bringing you the latest Star Wars, Marvel, and DC news and reviews!





Tuesday, 24 November 2020

E14 Endorsed: TumblingSaber Podcast - Running With Saberdarts

This week TumblingSaber dives into chapter 12 of The Mandalorian, "The Siege", directed by Carl Weathers. They also air out some #SaberDarts thanks to Wayne "Darth Newman" Knight, Jeff from the Blue Milk Café, and Rik from Jammed Transmissions! Boba Fett theories are tossed around, names of animated characters they'd like to see brought over to live action are brought up, and where the hell is Michael Biehn?

Follow the TumblingSaber team:

Kyle | Cory | Carlos | Michelle

Check out their Patreon page

Visit the Star Wars Commonwealth

Thanks for listening to the podcast! See you next week!

TumblingSaber Podcast
A Star Wars Podcast

Fandom rises, and a podcast to meet it! TumblingSaber is a Star Wars podcast by fans, for fans! We talk films, TV, comics, novels, toys, and much more!






Friday, 20 November 2020

E14 Endorsed: The Roman Pod And Cast - Episode 243 | Audioasphyxiation

This week Roman and Rob discuss the passing of cancel culture, the US election, unsolicited advice and much, much more. A proud member of the Emotionally 14 Family, the EMC and The Tangent-Bound Networks.

Roman Pod And Cast

Roman LeBeau and Robert Cast are just a couple of Canadians 🇨🇦 that put our own twist on headlines and trending stories. Not to worry. We try to keep the "eh's" and hockey talk to a minimum!





Thursday, 19 November 2020

E14 Endorsed: The Nerd Room Episode #245: WANDAVISION, MANDO CH. 11, FINDING YOUR NERD

Join hosts Tim, Troy, Sunjay, and Carlos to discuss the WandaVision release date, Mando Chapter 11, The new SnyderCut trailer, and a listener question about finding your nerd.

Twitter | Facebook | YouTube

Be sure to check out more from the Star Wars Commonwealth and follow Talk Star Wars, Tumbling Saber, Generation X-Wing, Rogue Squadron Podcast, San Diego Sabers Radio Podcast, and Sandcrawler Podcast!

The Nerd Room

A Star Wars, Marvel, & DC Podcast
A weekly podcast bringing you the latest Star Wars, Marvel, and DC news and reviews!





Tuesday, 17 November 2020

E14 Endorsed: TumblingSaber Podcast - Bow Down To The Heiress

In this packed episode of the podcast, TumblingSaber covers all kinds of topics starting with

  • Upcoming collectibles
  • George Lucas' ideas for his version of the sequel trilogy
  • more insight into the Jedi of The High Republic
  • a recap of Darth Vader issues 6-7
  • a long look at chapter 11 of The Mandalorian - "The Heiress"!
  • and finally, the out-of-touch Jedi of the prequel trilogy, courtesy of Dave Hackerson who jumped on the #saberdart bandwagon!

There are spoilers galore in this episode, so if you haven't read or seen the stories being discussed, be sure to check them out and then get into the episode!

Follow the TumblingSaber team:

Kyle | Cory | Carlos | Michelle

Check out their Patreon page

Visit the Star Wars Commonwealth

Thanks for listening to the podcast! See you next week!

TumblingSaber Podcast
A Star Wars Podcast

Fandom rises, and a podcast to meet it! TumblingSaber is a Star Wars podcast by fans, for fans! We talk films, TV, comics, novels, toys, and much more!






Friday, 13 November 2020

E14 Endorsed: The Roman Pod And Cast - Episode 242 | TREBEKELECTION

This week Roman and Rob discuss the passing of Alex Trebek, the US election, unsolicited advice and much, much more. A proud member of the Emotionally 14 Family, the EMC and The Tangent-Bound Networks.

Roman Pod And Cast

Roman LeBeau and Robert Cast are just a couple of Canadians 🇨🇦 that put our own twist on headlines and trending stories. Not to worry. We try to keep the "eh's" and hockey talk to a minimum!





Thursday, 12 November 2020

E14 Endorsed: The Nerd Room Episode #244: V FOR VENDETTA RETROSPECTIVE, MANDO CH. 10

Join hosts Tim, Troy, Sunjay, and Carlos for a retrospective discussion of the 2006 dystopian thriller; V for Vendetta! They also discuss their weeks in Nerd and The Mandalorian Chapter 10: The Passenger.

Twitter | Facebook | YouTube

Be sure to check out more from the Star Wars Commonwealth and follow Talk Star Wars, Tumbling Saber, Generation X-Wing, Rogue Squadron Podcast, San Diego Sabers Radio Podcast, and Sandcrawler Podcast!

The Nerd Room

A Star Wars, Marvel, & DC Podcast
A weekly podcast bringing you the latest Star Wars, Marvel, and DC news and reviews!



