Tuesday, 30 October 2018

E14 Endorsed: TumblingSaber Podcast - Episode 149 | No Expense Spared

This week, the TS team looks at some new toy announcements, the shelving of Boba Fett's standalone, uniting fandom's divide, and much more!

Follow the TumblingSaber team:

Kyle | Cory | Carlos | Michelle

Check out their Patreon page

Visit the Star Wars Commonwealth

Thanks for listening to the podcast! See you next week!

TumblingSaber Podcast
A Star Wars Podcast

Fandom rises, and a podcast to meet it! TumblingSaber is a Star Wars podcast by fans, for fans! We talk films, TV, comics, novels, toys, and much more!






Monday, 29 October 2018

Talk Star Wars - Episode 141 | Nien Nunb's Starkiller Playlist

In Episode 141 of the Talk Star Wars podcast, Rob is flying Solo (A Talk Star Wars Story)! In this episode, there is some news about the Talk Star Wars website, some fantastic thought-provoking listener mail and some behind the scenes photos of The Mandalorian!

If you want to get your questions read out on the show, why not email us at podcast@talkstarwars.co.uk, tweet us @TalkStarWars or Like our Facebook page?

Talk Star Wars

The official podcast of TalkStarWars.co.uk The latest Star Wars, Rogue One, Episode VIII and Star Wars Rebels news and rumour.





Friday, 26 October 2018

E14 Endorsed: The Roman Pod And Cast - Episode 135 | Cookie Spray

This week Roman and Rob discuss a smart Girl Guide, groin spay, stolen right shoes and much, much more! A proud member of the Emotionally 14 Family, The Electronic Media Collective Podcast Network and The Tangent-Bound Network.

Roman Pod And Cast

Roman LeBeau and Robert Cast are just a couple of Canadians 🇨🇦 that put our own twist on headlines and trending stories. Not to worry. We try to keep the "eh's" and hockey talk to a minimum!





The E14 Gamecast - Episode 49: "RANGER!"

In this episode of The E14 Gamecast, Rob and Blake get together over the Internets to talk about the video games and tabletop stuff they've been playing recently.

Among other things, Rob has been playing Middle Earth: Shadow Of War!

If you want to give us your thoughts on the games we talk about, ask us questions or even suggest topics for us to talk about, you can contact us by email using podcast@emotionally14.com, tweet @emotionally14 or find us on the Emotionally14 Facebook page! For our gaming videos, check out the E14 Plays Playlist on YouTube!

Rob is on Twitter @RobWadeVision, Blake is at @FuckSakeBlake and you can always follow E14 @Emotionally14!

The E14 Gamecast theme is courtesy of Deon Van Heerden, and you can find out all about him at DeonVanHeerden.com!

About The E14 Gamecast

A place to find the gaming content for Emotionally14. We'll talk reviews, excitement, upcoming releases - Hell, we'll even play a few! If gaining perspective on Team E14's gaming habits is your bag, this is the place you can get that fix!






Thursday, 25 October 2018

E14 Endorsed: The Nerd Room - Episode #141 | Daredevil S3 First Thoughts, Marvel Netflix Series Future

Join hosts Tim and Troy to discuss their first spoiler-free thoughts on Daredevil Season 3! They also breakdown the latest from the Nerd world including Wonder Women shifting release dates, Spider-Mans new suit, Star Wars: The Mandalorian, and the future of Marvel’s Netflix series!

Twitter | Facebook | YouTube

Be sure to check out more from the Star Wars Commonwealth and follow Talk Star Wars, Tumbling Saber, Generation X-Wing, Rogue Squadron Podcast, Skyhopper Podcast, San Diego Sabers Radio Podcast, Tatooine Sons, Less Than 12 Parsecs and Retro Inc!

The Nerd Room

A Star Wars, Marvel, & DC Podcast
A weekly podcast bringing you the latest Star Wars, Marvel, and DC news and reviews!





TSW Comics | Issue #14 - NYCC 2018 Comic Highlights

Hosts Tim and Rob are joined by TSW alumni Marc Godsiff to breakdown all the Star Wars Comic reveals from New York Comic Con 2018. They talk about everything from the end of the Vader series to the list of books coming in the Age Of maxi-series!

If you want to get your questions read out on the show, why not email us at podcast@talkstarwars.co.uk, tweet us @TalkStarWars or Like our Facebook page?

Talk Star Wars

The official podcast of TalkStarWars.co.uk The latest Star Wars, Rogue One, Episode VIII and Star Wars Rebels news and rumour.





Wednesday, 24 October 2018

E14 Endorsed: Woo Long Talks - The Bebop Rewatch : Session 7 - Heavy Metal Queen

This week we are joined by Scriptwriter and Film-maker Jed Shepherd as we go on a journey with the Bebop crew into the world of Intergalactic truckers, bounty hunters and high explosives, with a healthy dose of Heavy Metal thrown in!

Are you a fan of "Cowboy Bebop" and want to be a guest on our show? Get in touch via email at thebeboprewatchpodcast@gmail.com

You can find Jed on twitter at; https://twitter.com/Jedshepherd

Check out all of our rewatch episodes on our handy SoundCloud playlist: https://soundcloud.com/woolongtalks/sets/the-bebop-rewatch

Don't forget to find other great podcasts like us over at Brit Pod Scene, a collective of great British, independent podcasts; BritPodScene

Want to be a guest on one of our shows? Are you an independent artist, comic book writer or film maker and want a platform for your work? Get in touch with us at woolongtalkspodcast@gmail.com

Black, British and Nerdy! This is the home of our podcast, where we talk Movies, Comics, TV, Gaming and more. New podcast available every two weeks. Check us out!





E14 Endorsed: Woo Long Talks - Episode 55 | Interview with the cast of 'Kung Fu Bodyguard' part 1!

It's the return of the amazing Ramona Soo Jun Lee! She joins us to discuss the adaptation of her book "Kung Fu Bodyguard" into a movie, how she brought the current cast together and the challenges of making an independent Martial Arts movie.

You can follow Ramona on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RamonaLeeSooJun

Find the official Facebook page for 'Kung-Fu Bodyguard' here: https://www.facebook.com/kungfubodyguard

You can also find the official Instagram page here: https://www.instagram.com/kungfubodyguard/

You can also enjoy our awesome first interview with Ramona here: https://woolongtalks.podbean.com/e/epiosde-43-writin-fightin-interview-with-ramona-sj-lee/

Don't forget to find other great podcasts like us over at Brit Pod Scene, a collective of great British, independent podcasts; BritPodScene

Want to be a guest on one of our shows? Are you an independent artist, comic book writer or film maker and want a platform for your work? Get in touch with us at woolongtalkspodcast@gmail.com

Black, British and Nerdy! This is the home of our podcast, where we talk Movies, Comics, TV, Gaming and more. New podcast available every two weeks. Check us out!





Tuesday, 23 October 2018

E14 Endorsed: TumblingSaber Podcast - Episode 148 | Detestable Options

This week the TumblingSaber team talks about merchandising The Mandalorian, Star Wars Resistance’s latest: Fuel for the Fire, Finality vs Ambiguity in Episode IX, and more - including our game where we sort out some awful potential options for episode IX!

Follow the TumblingSaber team:

Kyle | Cory | Carlos | Michelle

Check out their Patreon page

Visit the Star Wars Commonwealth

Thanks for listening to the podcast! See you next week!

TumblingSaber Podcast
A Star Wars Podcast

Fandom rises, and a podcast to meet it! TumblingSaber is a Star Wars podcast by fans, for fans! We talk films, TV, comics, novels, toys, and much more!




