Tuesday 25 July 2017

Aaron's Spoiler-Free Review of The Void

Horror fans rejoice, because it looks as though we’ve got ourselves a banger! Took you long enough! See? I’m only a few sentences in and already I can’t contain my excitement!

For so long have I been waiting for a movie like The Void to come out and man, oh man, am I happy!

The Void is an extremely Lovecraftian tale that follows our main protagonist, Officer Carter, who comes across a young man covered in blood on a lonesome road before rushing him to hospital run by a skeleton crew staff.

Once he gets there, he finds that the entire building gets surrounded by hooded cultists that aren’t trying to get in, but are keeping the hospital's occupants from getting out!

What’s lurking within the hospital walls, might you ask? Horror stuff!

Seriously, now, I couldn’t find anything wrong with this film. I’m an old school horror nerd (that’s right, I used the ‘N’ word!) who fell in love with 80’s horror flicks such as Terrorvision, From Beyond, The Thing, just to name a few. I love a good monster movie more than a fat kid loves cake.

Just get me on the sofa, ply me with popcorn and whack on The Gate and I’m happy as sin! With The Void, however, you get all of those camp 80s undertones coupled with genuine of-its-time terror! What’s more, something I reckon all the old school horror fans like me will love and appreciate, there was minimal CGI! That’s right! The monsters are all slime and latex! Just like the good old days!

Don’t you just LOVE IT?!

Not only does it have all of these things, but it also boasts a very strong cast which immediately sucks you into the story, filled with very eerie moments to keep the audience second-guessing the whole way through. It just emancipates our inner child that cheered on the bad guys all those years!

The Void brings back a new, though long-awaited, era for Popcorn Drive-In movies, and I can’t wait to see where this leads.

Aaron's Spoiler-Free Verdict: Film of the year contender – 9.5/10

Aaron James Waters is a best-selling Pulp Fiction writer who has written more books than he's actually read.

He's also the rotten apple of the group who thinks this whole Star Wars thing needs to hurry up and die already.

You can find all of Aaron's works on Amazon!

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