Thursday, 27 January 2011

K9 Giveaway!

TV's most loved robot dog, K9, blasts back into action via a Space Time Manipulator and arrives in the late 21st Century in a London scarred by Alien Intrusion and Government rule through a Cybernetic Police Force.

K9 is a cybernetic construct from the 50th Century and has the appearance of an earth dog both in shape and size. He arrives at the home of Professor Gryffen, a renowned cybernetics and temporal dynamics expert who is working on the Alien Space-Time-Manipulator (STM) which opens a portal to anywhere in space and time. K9 is following a group of rogue Aliens, Jixen Warriors who attack Gryffen and a couple of teenagers; Starkey a homeless rebel and Jorjie, a very capable intelligent young girl.

To save them K9 sacrifices himself and explodes, soon followed by his regeneration thanks to a strange alien device implanted in his mainframe. The new look K9 can now hover and fly and has more capabilities than ever before. K9 loses his long term memory and begins a quest to not only protect humanity but to discover more about his time and space travelling past.

The Earth has suffered at the hands of natural disasters and the world government's have developed cybernetic technology and replaced human police and security forces with Cybernetic Civil Pacification Corps (The CCPC) who are controlled by the sinister "Department". The Department have divisions run by Inspectors who control Public Order and Alien and Paranormal activity.

Alongside Gryffen's errand boy, Darius the teens are destined to become K9's companions in the battle against repression by the Department and the ongoing intrusion by Alien Life forms.

Thanks to our friends at Brightspark, we've got three copies of K9 - Series One: Volume 1 on DVD to give away! For your chance of winning, send your name and full postal address to before midday on Thursday 3rd February, making sure to put "K9" as the subject. The first three entries out of the electronic hat after the competition closes will receive a free copy each!

Don't forget to put "K9" in the subject line. Incorrectly labelled or blank entries will be discarded.

K9 - Series One: Volume One is available on Double DVD from Monday 31st January, priced £29.99.

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