Wednesday, 7 October 2009

Celebrity Twitters: Darth Vader

Hahahaha! Run tiny ship! BOOM! God, I love my job! BOOM!

@Palp87 Yeah, it’s under control. I’ll use my sorcerer’s ways to conjure up the stolen data tapes, and locate the Rebels’ hidden fortress.

Boarding action more or less a success. Lost a few, killed a few – you know how it is. Had to chuckle when an empty escape pod jettisoned.

Cover story was one for the books. Seriously – if this is a consular ship, then where was the ambassador? Try harder next time, guys.

Ugh, looks like what we went in for wasn’t there after all. Back to square one. If I hadn’t have killed some people, today would be suck.

@tarkin Yeah, I’ll be at the meeting. Can you pick me up a sandwich? I won’t have time before I get there.

@tarkin Just remembered that I have no mouth. Forget I said anything.

Ugh...Tatooine. I hate this place.

For the record, I also hate Motti. He’s the only guy I’ve ever had to choke in a meeting.

@tarkin Okay, to clarify, he’s the only guy I’ve ever had to choke in a meeting TODAY.

Interrogation time! Prepare the black floating testicle of death! :)

This thing takes ages to get anywhere. @tarkin figures that the best thing to do would to be to blow up Alderaan. I am SO up for this.

Hahahaha! Run tiny planet of Alderaan! BOOM! God, I love my job! BOOM!

Corellian Freighter has just appeared been drawn into the Death Star. Don’t forget you can also follow @deathstar for the official gossip!

Strange. I feel a presence I have not felt since...I had my own legs.

@tarkin A tremor in the Force. The last time I felt it was in the presence of my old master.

This is one of those days. A jailbreak, meetings, missing droids, and now a Jedi on the loose. I wonder why I get out of bed, some days.

Hahahaha! Die Obi-Wan! SLICE! God, I love my job. Sith FTW @palpy87 @tarkin

Rebels think they can take us? Hah, not even the secret Death Star plans mention that little thermal exhaust port (our one weakness).

@tarkin You what? I thought this was private, like Facebook?

I have a bad feeling about this.

Looks like I’m going out there. If you want a job done properly, do it yourself.

Hahahaha! Run tiny ship! BOOM! God, I love my job! BOOM!


@palpy I’m spinning out of control somewhere near Yavin IV. Find me.


  1. 'I feel a presence I have not felt since...I had my own legs.'

    - Funniest Star Wars spoof since 'Spaceballs'. Seriously, I was laughing out loud throughout. Nice one!

  2. This is one of THE best posts this year.. fantastic! :)
