Wednesday, 31 July 2019

E14 Endorsed: Woo Long Talks - Double Feature!

It's been a little quiet from the WLT boys recently, but I'm pleased to present not just one but two new episodes from WLT this week!

The Bebop Rewatch : Session 10 - Ganymede Elegy

How do you let go of the past? What do you do about the one that broke your heart? And can love truly conquer all? It's the return of The Bebop Rewatch!! On this week's episode we break down some of the latest news surrounding Netflix's adaption of 'Cowboy Bebop' as well as dispelling some fake news.

We then dive into the emotionally charged 'Session 10' and join Jet on a journey to Jupiter's most famous moon, as he deals with love, loss and divided loyalties.

Episode 68 - Phase Four? Gimme some more!

What's that you say? Marvel Studios revealed their next phase of the Marvel Cinematic Universe for the coming two years? Sounds like it's time to bring the band back together!

We have swept aside sick babies (not literally)and business schedules to bring you or take on the big Marvel news from San Diego Comic Con 2019. Rich explains some of the comic book origins of these new movies and TV shows, and we geek out about the possibilities!

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