Tuesday, 12 December 2017

Aaron's (Belated) Classic Corner - November 2017

So here it is! Another late one from yours truly! Personally, I blame Blake, but no one’s perfect! So here’s three more from me before I slam you all with my Christmas special later this month!

The Film – Avatar

This film seems to have been given a lot of negative finger-banging over the years and I guess I can see why, seeing as it’s the same premise as The Smurfs and Ferngully, but I couldn’t help but fall in love with it.

The creatures and landscapes are utterly breathtaking, the battle scenes are exciting as fook, the story is pretty cool and – though I don’t typically like CGI and prefer practical effects, as you know – I think I’ve yet to see a film that boasts better CGI than this monster.

I love the cast, I love the idea, and most of all, I just straight up this fantasy Sci-Fi epic!

The Album – Transylvanian Hunger by Darkthrone

Black metal is a weird one for me, as I both love it and hate it at the same time. Of course, to explain why this is I would have to go deep into the controversy behind the history of Black Metal and seeing as we like to try and keep things lighthearted around here, I’m just not going to do that right now, but I also hate how some bands of this particular genre go overboard with their gimmicks and whatnot.

Now, don’t get me wrong, Darkthrone aren’t innocent of this crime themselves, but for me, this album is as raw as it gets. It sounds like it was recorded on a single mic in a shed (mainly because that’s not too far from the truth), there are plenty of mistakes throughout the album as though it were a live recording of a new band’s practice session, it pretty much had the same drumbeat throughout, yet it’s still as evil (if not more so) as it intended to be. For me, this album IS Black Metal and is the benchmark from which all other bands of that ilk should branch.

The Game – Second Sight

Strategy stealth games come by the masses these days, which is never a bad thing! Just look at Dishonored, Thief, the Metal Gear franchise and it's happy days! Second Sight, however, seems to be one of those games that often gets overlooked and I just can’t understand why.

There are great combat elements to it, puzzles and psychic abilities that your amnesia-struck protagonist gets to fling out left, right and centre whilst trying to figure out why he even has them in the first place. The story was also one that had many twists and turns which just helped to further shape this already great game.

It’s just a shame it never got the recognition it deserved.

Aaron James Waters is a best-selling Pulp Fiction writer who has written more books than he's actually read.

He's also the rotten apple of the group who thinks this whole Star Wars thing needs to hurry up and die already.

You can find all of Aaron's works on Amazon!

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