Friday, 13 November 2009

E14 Exchange

Brad: I'd be so much happier if I didn't have to go to work.
Rob : Wouldn't we all.
Brad: I thought you liked your work?
Rob : I meant if you didn't have to go to work.
Brad: Ah.


Rob : My text dictionary didn't recognise the word "Anakin" until I programmed it in. What the hell is wrong with me?
Brad: Mine only has a memory for about 4 or 5 words. It seems.
Rob : Probably quicker for you to type stuff by hand then, surely.


Brad: Oh, did I tell you what Blake got me for my birthday?
Rob : Go on
Brad: From Hell.
Rob : The comic?
Brad: Yeah.
Rob : Nice.
Brad: The film would imply he hates me, though, so I can see why you'd think that.


Brad: I'm living in the wrong century... I should have been a Viking.
Rob : Is it the battle metal again?
Brad: That and the general rape and pillage thing. That's awesome. Or two centuries from now, where I can have a giant gun wielding robot. That'd be cool.


Brad: My mind's more occupied with food runs, giant spiders and fog machines. And on top of that I have a party to organise. *boom-tish*
Rob : Wow, you should do stand-up!
Brad: Stand up's a dead art-form. Playing a game-book with your friend online - now THAT'S avant-garde.
Rob : It's working for us so far. Certainly more than the fat jokes, but hey: the backlash surrounding fat jokes dies significantly quicker than the backlash surrounding normal jokes.

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