Friday, 29 July 2011

E14 Exchange

(Editor’s note – this conversation took place on the day the E14 podcast went up).
Brad: Your review is excellent today.
Rob : Cheers man.
Rob : Why do you like it so much? Or are you worried I'd cry without some praise today?
Brad: Informative and funny - exactly what our reviews should be. Sometimes we're a little too serious with our reviews, IMO, myself included.
Rob : Ahhh ok.
Brad: And I was worried you were going to cry.

Brad: There's a Mockbuster coming out called...
Brad: ...Ready for this?
Rob : Go on.
Brad: Chop Kick Panda.
Rob : ...What?
Brad: See what they did there?
Rob : Got paid money for *literally* nothing?

Brad: They call me the workin' man!
Rob : Clearly *they* don't actually see you at work…

Rob : Incidentally, would you pronounce Steine sty-nuh or steen?
Brad: Sty-nuh
Rob : I'm not going mad then.
Rob : The entirety of Brighton is, pronouncing it Old Steen…
Brad: It's obviously of Germanic origin. And that would be sty-nuh.
Rob : That's my argument.
Brad: If they're going to be that retarded, you may have to upgrade 'argument' into 'kung-fu fight'.
Rob : Or ‘Chop Kick Fight’.

Rob : Man, I’m glad not to do the Tunbridge Wells journey anymore.
Brad: That rough?
Rob : Nah, just time-consuming. A short bus journey is infinitely preferable. That's 'short bus journey', not 'shortbus journey', just to clarify.

Rob : Why did Cthulhu cross the road?
Brad: I don't know. Why did Cthulhu cross the road?
Rob : I don't know either, it's driving me crazy.

Rob : Great news about Freddy Kruger being a downloadable character in Mortal Kombat, I was just playing the other day and thinking 'Why can't I play as a child molestor?'

Brad: You all right, mate?
Rob : Yeah, just hating Apple's faces.
Fucking iPod syncing is so much more difficult than it needs to be.
Brad: Yup.
Rob : Found the option now, it should be fine.
Brad: I always find it takes two of three attempts to plug the fucking things in and for iTunes to recognise them. I have no idea how such a shittily programmed product line/OS has become so popular.
Rob : Perceived prestige? They like two things: Design and Control. Unfortunately, the popularity of the first means the frustration of the second for the end user. Or at least, the end user who isn't a cunt.

Rob : Think Duke Nukem Forever is worth £1.80 of my own money?
Brad: I would pay £1.80 to never have to play a Duke Nukem game ever again. It's a matter of perspective.
Rob : Your answer brings up a good point. What the fuck am I asking *you* for?

Rob : Apparently I now have a Facebook email account. What the fuck just happened?
Brad: What?
Rob : Apparently your FB messages acct can now be assigned an email address.
Brad: I'm...good?
Rob : ...That's nice...

To celebrate the 1st August UK DVD and Blu-ray release of Hobo With A Shotgun starring the legendary Rutger Hauer we have extremely limited edition t-shirts to give away! Specially created and not available to buy we have three t-shirts to give away but before we tell you how you can win them please do stop by the official FanHub website for the film - - click on ‘Win!’ and there you'll get the chance to win yourself drawn into the Hobo With a Shotgun poster!

Thanks to our friends at Cult Labs, we've got three copies of these highly limited edition Hobo With A Shotgun t-shirts to give away! For your chance of winning, send your name and full postal address to before midday on Fruday 5th August, making sure to put "Hobo Shotgun" as the subject. The first three entries out of the electronic hat after the competition closes will receive a free t-shirt!

Don't forget to put "Hobo Shotgun" in the subject line. Incorrectly labelled or blank entries will be discarded.

Hobo With A Shotgun is out on Blu-ray and DVD on August 1, courtesy of Sony Pictures Home Entertainment.

Entries limited to one per household. Offer open only to postal addresses in the UK and Ireland.

1 comment:

  1. When I first moved down here I pronounced it "Steyne". It seemed to make sense (particularly as a northerner) and it also made the name of the little cafe based there make sense as a pun: "Frank-In-Steine".

    Of course now the cafe has been renamed "Tina's Place" - because that is much more memorable and fun - and I have switched to saying "Steen" because that's what everyone else does, and I'm tired of jokes about my pronunciation as it is. ;)

