Monday, 28 February 2022

Bring on the Bad Guys - Episode 45 - Rogue, Gambit, X-23, Honey Badger and Juggernaut

A SHIELD Helicarrier has arrived at Bring on the Bad Guys and dropped off a new load of awesome Marvel: Crisis Protocol releases for the guys to check out. Brad and Ian unbox, rate and review Rogue, Gambit, X-23, Honey Badger, Juggernaut, Magneto and Toad!

Follow the show on Instagram @bringonthebadguys and Twitter & Facebook @BringBadGuys

Thursday, 24 February 2022

The Nerd Room Episode #310 | PEACEMAKER, TOY FAIR AT HOME 2022

The following presentation is Emotionally14 Endorsed. We didn't make it ourselves, but the people that did are fantastic and we think that you'll like it!

Join Ian and Tim for their final thoughts on the epic first season of Peacemaker, to summarize all the reveals from this weekend's virtual Toy Fair, and much more!

Twitter | Facebook | YouTube

Be sure to check out more from the Star Wars Commonwealth and follow Talk Star Wars, Tumbling Saber, Generation X-Wing, Rogue Squadron Podcast, San Diego Sabers Radio Podcast, and Sandcrawler Podcast!

The Nerd Room

A Star Wars, Marvel, & DC Podcast
A weekly podcast bringing you the latest Star Wars, Marvel, and DC news and reviews!





Wednesday, 23 February 2022

Fire When Ready - Episode 67 - Clone Wars Armada Destroyers - Stormtrooper Upgrade

Brad and Ian unbox and review the Recusant and Venator Destroyers for Star Wars: Armada, and the Stormtrooper Upgrade Expansion for Star Wars: Legion.

Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram @firewhenreadyuk

If you like the look of this game, or even if you're just in the market for a few new bits for your existing set, why not check out our Amazon Affiliate store to do so?

Friday, 11 February 2022

Bring on the Bad Guys - Episode 44 - Marvel Heroclix Fantastic Four: Empyre Miniatures Game Review

The boys have gotten their hands on the new Heroclix miniatures game from WizKids. Members of the Avengers, Fantastic Four and X-Men are forced to team up, fight, and then team up again as the Empyre event rumbles across the Marvel Universe. In this episode, Brad, Ian, and Dave battle through the entire campaign, and road test the exciting new Heroclix models included!

Featuring special guest, Blake Harmer!

Follow the show on Instagram @bringonthebadguys and Twitter & Facebook @BringBadGuys

Thursday, 10 February 2022


The following presentation is Emotionally14 Endorsed. We didn't make it ourselves, but the people that did are fantastic and we think that you'll like it!

With another quiet week in Nerd we deviate from our regular news discussions to talk about the essence of how comicbooks are being adapted to film and TV, the discrepancy between the Oscars and the Box Office, and much more!

Twitter | Facebook | YouTube

Be sure to check out more from the Star Wars Commonwealth and follow Talk Star Wars, Tumbling Saber, Generation X-Wing, Rogue Squadron Podcast, San Diego Sabers Radio Podcast, and Sandcrawler Podcast!

The Nerd Room

A Star Wars, Marvel, & DC Podcast
A weekly podcast bringing you the latest Star Wars, Marvel, and DC news and reviews!





Tuesday, 8 February 2022

SWC+ Round Table with Robert Cast - XXVI - 2022-02-05

This month on the SWC+ Round Table, Rob talks The Book Of Boba Fett and what is on tap for 2022 with Rob from The Generation X-Wing podcast and Tim from The Nerd Room Podcast.

If you just can't wait to get your SWC+ Round Table fix when the show drops, the best way is to go direct to the SWC+ Round Table feed!

Follow Robert Cast on Twitter and Instagram @robertmmcast

Talk Star Wars

The official podcast of The latest Star Wars, Rogue One, Episode VIII and Star Wars Rebels news and rumour.




Tuesday, 1 February 2022

TumblingSaber Podcast - Even the Trash is Iconic!

The following presentation is Emotionally14 Endorsed. We didn't make it ourselves, but the people that did are fantastic and we think that you'll like it!

In this episode, we touch on some exciting video game news, a less exciting news item for collectors, and the fifth episode of The Book of Boba Fett....or was it an episode of The Mandalorian? Either way, it was a blast and we hope you enjoy the chat!

We're glad to be in your ears and would love to hear from you! Send an email with your thoughts and questions to, or find us in our closed TumblingSaber Facebook group. We'd love to see you there.

If Twitter is your thing, you can find me, Cory, and Carlos there as well!

Thanks for listening to the podcast! See you next week!

TumblingSaber Podcast
A Star Wars Podcast

Fandom rises, and a podcast to meet it! TumblingSaber is a Star Wars podcast by fans, for fans! We talk films, TV, comics, novels, toys, and much more!




