Saturday, 25 February 2017

E14 Toybox #23 - HyperSonic Greed (DC Superman Wonder Woman Heroclix Unboxing)

Today, Rob tackles a stand-alone booster from the DC Heroclix "Superman/Wonder Woman" set released last year. Hoping for Hades, what will Rob pull from the booster?

For a bit of additional fun, during the video, Rob uses the Star52 scoring system, made famous by this channel:

Starfighter52: Here

The scoring system works thusly:

Rules for this challenge:

Chases are worth 10pts
Super rares are worth 5pts
Primes are 3pts
Extra pieces (Clix FX, attachable piece, etc) is 2pts
Each trait is worth .25pts or 1/4 pts

Let us know what you think of the video! Sorry for the weird flickering during the unboxing bit, hopefully should be fixed for next time!

Friday, 24 February 2017

The Crazy Train Podcast! Episode 47 - "Train Replacement Clip Service!"

In the absence of the regularly scheduled episode, we present to you "Train Replacement Clip Service" which brings together some of our favourite clips from the previous 46 episodes of The Crazy Train podcast!

The clips contained are (I think these are in the right order):

  • Rob Meets the Trash Wizard - Episode 3
  • The Bicycle Vampire - Episode 10
  • Crouch's Cavalcade of Bang-Time Misery - Episode 12
  • Blake's Dream Job - Episode 37
  • Rob and Marc mess with their partners - Episode 41
  • Rob's Transport Woes, Baby - Episode 28
  • Spike Proposes - Episode 29
  • Best Sam Neill Movie? - Episode 43
  • Dinosaur Erotica - Episode 26

Believe us when we say that there are a serious number of contenders for a "Best-Of" show, but these are the ones we've gone with!

Do you like the show? Let us know by emailing us at

You can find The Crazy Train on iTunes

We also have all our episodes on YouTube, and what's more the episodes go Live on YouTube and iTunes (technology permitting) the same day!

We're now also live on Stitcher Radio, and you can enjoy the podcast on Stitcher radio here:

Thursday, 16 February 2017

The E14 Gamecast: Episode 21 - Horrortendo!

In Episode 21 of The E14 Gamecast, host Rob Wade is joined by Spike Direction and Blake Harmer! We begin by tackling a question from Sour Crouch, about our favourite Nintendo games!

We then move on to a brief discussion about the Nintendo Switch.

Moving on from there, we tackle a question from a listener named Rob, asking us about our favourite jump scare moments!

Podcast feed

Saturday, 11 February 2017

The E14 Toybox - Channel Update - February 2017 (What's Next?)

On today's Toybox video, Rob is in a descriptive mood, so is going to tell you all about what's next for the Toybox!

It's not going away, don't worry...

Wednesday, 8 February 2017

Watch Justice League Dark, It's Awesome

So from the title, it should be apparent that two things have happened recently:

  • I've watched the Justice League Dark cartoon
  • I really enjoyed it.

Both of these things could be construed as no great surprise to those who have followed my musings over the years. I've been a vocal supporter of the Constantine TV series, as well as the Hellblazer comic book series published by Vertigo. Hell, there are even many things to like about the Keanu Reeves movie (further thoughts available on request).

There is a tweet somewhere where I specifically suggest a Justice League Dark videogame should be Rocksteady's next project (How awesome would that be?!) I even built a whole Youtube series on the premise of obtaining the John Constantine Heroclix figure from the Justice League Trinity War set! If you haven't seen that, you should! It's fun, and Spoilers (highlight to view): I got my way eventually!

When I heard that there would be an animated movie, I was excited. When I heard that it would feature Matt Ryan (the star of the TV series) reprising his role, I was thrilled! Incidentally, when I learned that there would be a new animated series I was beside myself! The other me was excited too! Now all I need is a new videogame, or another Justice League Dark set in a new DC Heroclix set (I'm always keen to have a good reason to do more videos)!

The Justice League Dark movie sees Batman and the rest of the Justice League faced with a problem they are unable to solve: A wave of hysteria brought about by some sort of magical interference. A combination of their lack of knowledge in this field, and a signal from an unusual source, brings Batman to seek out John Constantine. Realising that he might need some help, Constantine brings in Zatanna and discovers who was behind the strange signal (I have to be kind of vague here just out of fear of giving too much away, although I can say that they're on the box).

But on to the stuff I can comfortably talk about. This movie is bloody great. It evokes the spirit of the early 2000s Justice League cartoon (which I've been enjoying on Amazon Prime recently - other video services are available) while also bringing in a certain amount of darkness to the proceedings. The movie is Justice League Dark in more than just name. Within the prologue, there are murders (subjective, as you'll see) and all sorts of grim business!

One thing that caught my eye right out of the gate was the sharpness of the movie on a visual level. It really is an incredibly beautiful spectacle! The colour palette is a great mix of bright and dingy, depending on where you are in the story (some of the contrasts during the more action-packed scenes are really vibrant as a result, with some of the magic-based battles looking absolutely stunning in motion). The score is strong, although there's a bit of a dubstep vibe in places, and I thought we were past that as a trendy thing. Just goes to show how out of touch I am (maybe).

The story is a strong kind of "whodunnit", with Batman and his new-found allies trying to identify the source of the mysterious events. What's great about this movie, however, is that it doesn't just descend into a Batman love-fest. While Batman has his uses during the course of the story, the movie rightly focuses its attention on the magic-users and the supernatural elements of the story. Despite this, Batman never seems to be out of his depth.

Ultimately, it seems that everyone is, to use a wrestling term, booked to look strong and useful within the team. Even flaws are handled well within the storyline, with the common theme of Constantine being a bit of a crap friend cropping up a few times. It feels like the people writing the story really knew their stuff when it came to the characters and their backstory within the DCU.

So overall, I'll keep this relatively short and sweet. I could bang on for days about how much I like this movie, but in short I will just say that if you enjoy the animated DC stuff you cannot go wrong with this feature. Get on it.

Rob Wade blogs about stuff he likes. Whether it's video games or geek media for Emotionally14 or writing about speculative theories for future films on Talk Star Wars, the focus is always on the stuff that brings the most pleasure to his life within media. Rob is the host of the E14 podcasts "The Crazy Train" and "The E14 Gamecast", as well as the host of a number of pieces on E14's Youtube channel. He also appears on the Talk Star Wars podcasts.

Rob Wade on Twitter

Saturday, 4 February 2017

E14 Toybox #22 - HyperSonic Greed! Joker's Wild!

Rob is once again opening the Toybox to tackle a Heroclix booster unboxing! Today's episode is a booster from the DC Comics "Joker's Wild" set!

For a bit of additional fun, during the video, Rob uses the Starfighter52 scoring system, made famous by this channel:

Starfighter52: Here

The scoring system works thusly:

Rules for this challenge:

Chases are worth 10pts
Super rares are worth 5pts
Primes are 3pts
Extra pieces (Clix FX, attachable piece, etc) is 2pts
Each trait is worth .25pts or 1/4 pts

Friday, 3 February 2017

The Crazy Train Podcast! Episode 46 - "The Last Boulder!"

In the latest episode of The Crazy Train, Rob is delayed by an *actual* Crazy Train, but is joined by Spike Direction and Blake Harmer to talk about the aforementioned train. They then go on to discuss wearing humans as puppets, impromptu animal funerals (if the council will let you, that is) and ordering glittery insect-ridden corpses to your enemies.

Standard fare, really.

We also talk about people using their gamertags in real life, LEGAL NAME FRAUD (whatever that is), a dude we all met once, music and performance and all sorts. We even take a listener question from Sour Crouch (who couldn't be with us #RIP). We get there via Star Wars. Again, this has been known.

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