So maybe you're sitting there reading a written piece. Maybe it's a Youtube video. Maybe it's one of our podcasts. Either way, you're sitting there enjoying something we're doing, and you're thinking to yourself..."I love what these guys are doing. I wonder if there's a way to throw a bit of love their way!"
Well, rejoice, because there are many ways!
Hopefully it goes without saying that we're grateful to anyone and everyone who enjoys Emotionally14, whether it be our podcasts, videos or written pieces. Your support in that sense is always going to be enough for us. However, if you want to do a little extra, we're never going to say no to that!
The Free Stuff
Social Media
The most obvious way to support Emotionally14 is to tell someone about what we're doing! There are a pile of social media buttons at the very bottom of each post, and links to all our various social media channels in the top right corner of our site. Any of those are going to do wonders for getting our stuff seen by as many people as possible!
What's more, on the Team page everyone has their various social media channels available underneath their little bio blurb bit! There are even links to buy the books published by our resident novella writers, Aaron Waters and Brad Harmer-Barnes! Speaking of Amazon...
Switch Off Ad Block (Maybe click a few!)
We run a relatively small amount of ads on E14. You can find them below the blog posts. If you would see it in your hearts to add Emotionally14 to your Ad blocker whitelist that'd be awesome. We make a point of limiting the type of ads that are served (none of those whole-page overlays or anything like that). If you see one that catches your eye, give it a click!
Emotionally14 is a participant in the Amazon EU Associates Programme, an affiliate advertising programme designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to
What that means, essentially, is that anytime you use the links we display on Emotionally14 (either at the top of the page or the related products at the end of the posts), we get a little love from Amazon. It doesn't cost you any extra to do it, and it helps us to offset some of the running costs in various ways.
Here's the link to the store, where purchasing anything and everything will give Emotionally14 a little love (which we can then use to make things even better!).
That's right, Emotionally14 has a Teepublic store! You can get hold of any and all of the wonderful designs contained within it as shirts, hoodies, jumpers, phone cases and so much more! What's more, you can get designs by other great artists including our very own Omer Ibrahim (User CantSleepMustPaint)!

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