Satan wasn't available, so Brad will be GMing Rob through an RPG based on the classic Steve Jackson Fighting Fantasy gamebook Appointment With F.E.A.R..
Brad is the GM, and Rob plays his character, Trent Foster AKA The Silver Braggart.
Previously on Dickass DM: Trent Foster AKA The Silver Braggart must find the location and time of the secret meeting of F.E.A.R (Federation of Euro-Americal Rebels). So far he has no real clues, but has picked up some dog poop, kicked some abused animals to death, tasered a nine year-old boy into unconciousness, been suspended from work, made a nuisance of himself at Wisneyland, watched someone get kidnapped, and theorised that museum exhibits were killing people. With the Museum a dead end, he turns his attention to the local zoo...

Rob: Why do I get the feeling he's going to turn out to be the director, a la Yoda?
Brad: You hold the Crimewatch up to your ear.

Rob: I think at the very least they contributed.
Brad: Do you go and check it, or take a look at the main exhibit, the sarcophagus of Princess Ankalis. That's pronounced "Sar-co-fay-gus". And "An-na-far-is".
Rob: Go and check the God thing.
Brad: You rush to the idol and check for the ear-rings. There are none there! The professor thumbs through the catalogue to double-check the idol.
Rob: On what grounds?
Brad: We've been playing this for god knows how long, and the most heroic thing you've managed to do is taser a nine year-old boy.
Rob: A small one at that.
Brad: And get suspended from work.
Rob: A crap job, too.
Brad: Where to now?
Rob: Erm....
Brad: You may want to visit the Titan Central Library to do some research in their criminology section, or you could go to visit your informant, Clank the Grass?
Rob: Let's go see The Grass.
Brad: You visit Clank as The Silver Braggart. He lives in a run-down part of town, in a dirty one-bedroomed apartment. A bit like you.
Rob: Mine's a three-bed.

Rob: Maybe he goes with them?
Brad: No one knows exactly what the post-hypnotic suggestion is, but Clank's information will help you. If you ever find yourself looking for Sidney Knox, this information may help you.
Rob: Some small consolation to The Grass, I'm sure.
Brad: The rest of the evening is uneventful.
Brad: In the morning, you set off for a stroll. A heroic stroll, right?
Rob: Of course. Chest puffed out, content in the knowledge that nobody knows why I'm so arrogant.
Brad: Knowing you, you're probably in costume. It's getting you to take it off that's the trick. As you turn the corner at the end of the block, the beeping from your wrist signifies the start of your busiest day yet.

Rob: I'll head to the Murdock labs, with only minor delays!
Rob: How is studying anything useful in a nuclear explosion?
Brad: There have been some effective discoveries. Under certain conditions, distinct signs of increased mental powers were being shown by several of the experimental animals. Some of these were quite spectacular. They had, for example, produced a dog able to talk and a chimpanzee able to play computer games.
Rob: Fuck off is that in the book.
Brad: It totally is. See, even a chimp can play Wii, dude.
Rob: Is the dog reading Twilight?
Brad: Good against Wii remotes is one thing. Good against a living? That's another. They had no doubt that similar experiments on humans would have produced much more dramatic results. This theory has now been proved true. Sidney Knox, one of the research assistants, had crept into the radiation chamber that morning and subjected himself to the rays.
Rob: Hardly surprising, really.
Brad: His powers enable him to will the radiation emitter to implode and destroy itself. The danger is if he gets anywhere near the nuclear reactor: destruction of the reactor would mean disaster on a grand scale for Titan City. No-one knows where he is now, but the reactor must be protected at all costs. You remember your clue. You ask someone about such a room and you are directed to the observation tower. Hoping that this may lead you to the mutant, you Marillion up to the room at the very top. "Rush", sorry.
Rob: I had to think about that one.
Brad: There, staring out of the window at the huge reactor structure, is a man in a white coat with a bloated head the size of a pumpkin. "Pumpkin" being a standardised measurement in those days.
Rob: I donkey punched him? Awesome.
Brad: Though you do not realise it, you have saved perhaps the whole of Titan City from a deadly threat by capturing Sydney Knox. In appreciation of your saving the Laboratory, the scientists bring you a small pen-like device.
Institute Director: Crusader, take this as a gift from us. One of our men made this in his spare time.He calls it a "Circuit Jammer". We've been using it to jam circuits. It is still to be fully tested, but seems to work okay.
Silver Braggart: So I can't write with this?
Institute Director: Not really, but you can gouge some surfaces with reasonable clarity.
Silver Braggart: Hunh. I suppose that's all right.
Institute Director: I know you often face mechanical villains and their contraptions. With this, you will be able to disable their circuits. And gouge them a bit.
Silver Braggart: And write my logo on them!
Institute Director: You are looking for Vladimir Utoshski and he is a powerful adversary.
Silver Braggart: Now, to come up with a logo.
Institute Director: With this you will stand a better chance.
Rob: Probably. Bearing in mind how quickly the clue came in handy. Like, the next morning.
Brad: You leave the Murdock Laboratories and head back into town. Walking along Danvers Street, you see a crowd huddled round a shop window and you step up to see what is going on. It is an electrical shop and the people are staring at a television in the centre of the window. A newsfalsh message is being reported by the announcer.
Rob: Is it a nice model?
Brad: Not bad. You cannot hear what is being said, but you recognise the face on the photograph which appears briefly on the screen. It is Giorgio Schultz, better known as the Poisoner. What, you wonder, is he up to?
Rob: Besides poisoning.
Brad: Perhaps you'd better go down to police headquarters and find out. You turn to leave, and groan as a BEEP-BEEP-BEEP sounds on your wrist. Just what you needed! You lift it to your ear and listen to its message.

Brad: Yeah, for the sake of argument, you're the only superhero. Ever.
Rob: Goddamn. Swimming pool.
Brad: Frankly, with your track record, I can't help but wonder if it might have been better for the city if you'd used your powers for evil.
Rob: Fewer boys would have been tazed.
Brad: You arrive at Stanley Pool and the doorman dreamtheaters you into the main hall where the pool is. Your jaw drops as you see the problem. The pool has frozen! Shivering swimmers are staring incredulously at the block of ice that, moments before, they were swimming in.
Rob: Shouldn't they be...frozen in it?
Brad: Two girls, however, were not able to swim to swim to the side in time and they are held fast in the ice, in danger of freezing to death.
Rob: Ah.
Brad: Their cries are getting weaker.
Rob: "If you're not too busy...help...please..."
Brad: You had better use your powers to help them quickly.
Rob: Oh wait, you mean physically weaker, not "more crap".
Brad: You take out a vial of Concentrated Antifreeze and emersonlakeandpalmer out into the centre of the ice. Removing the stopper, you pour it onto the ice around the two girls. A puddle of water spreads around them and their struggles allow them to move more freely. Moments later they are free and you help them to the side of the pool, where friends are waiting with warm blankets.
Rob: I check the heating plant. I'm trying not to suck. Doing the whole detective thing might help.
Brad: The heating engineer shows you round the plant. You spend a lot of the day in the company of menial workers, don't you?
Rob: Yeah...
Brad: He is mystified as to what happened; there is nothing wrong with the heating-equipment. You double-check the controls and scratch your head. Nothing wrong there.
Rob: Aside from the head itch.
Brad: Perhaps no-one will ever know what caused the incident, but at least the danger is now over. Where will you go next? Perhaps you deserve a little entertainment. The Titan Tigers, a local football team, are playing the Metro Mohawks. You could go and watch the game. Or, if you are concerned about finding information regarding the activities of F.E.A.R., you could visit Colonel Saunders at his army base to see if he knows anything. Which do you fancy?
Rob: Army base. It'll give Colonel Sanders time off from running his chicken franchise.
Brad: Saunders.
Rob: Oh. That's less fun.
Brad: You arrive at the army base and are escorted to see Col. Saunders, who greets you with a warm chicken bucket. I mean, handshake.

Silver Braggart: Don't you mean Silver Braggart? Or have you got me confused with the Mincing Crusader? I've heard we wear the same belt.
Silver Braggart: Look, am I mincing?
Brad: Suddenly, an aide bursts into the room.
Silver Braggart: What time is it now?
Rob: That's impressive, I'd love to be able to do that.
Brad: Twenty F.E.A.R. choppers are heading towards the base, heavily armed. The soldiers are taking their positions. When the helicopters come into view you can see that this is a well-organised raid and you can make a guess as to who has organised it. Amid heavy army fire, several of the choppers land within the perimeter fence. When a stocky man with a tall forehead in a black costume steps from the leading helicopter, your guess is confirmed. The Macro Brain!
Rob: Does he tase nine year old boys?
Brad: Does anyone, any more?
Rob: Just the Silver Mincing Braggart Crusader.
Brad: On your own, there is little you could do against his well-disciplined private army. But if the Colonel's men could keep them at bay and you had the opportunity to face the Macro Brain on his own...
Rob: Like fuck!
Brad: As you consider this, a warning comes from your Crimewatch.
Rob: Hmmmm. For all I know, they won't be able to get me on my own with Macro Brain. I leave and head for the Council Buildings. This seems like an all-out assault.
Brad: "Good luck guys! Douchey-douchey!"
Rob: Wait a minute...
Rob: You are kidding me.
Brad: All it cost you was a division of the US army. You set off home to take some well-deserved rest.
Rob: And begin the search for a human assistant.
Brad: The prospect of the F.E.A.R. meeting is weighing heavily on your mind, but for the moment you are well advised to relax for the evening. Next morning, you are woken, not by the alarm clock, but by the +1 Crimewatch of Fail. This time the message is longer than normal and it repeats itself.
Rob: Hmmmm...Let's go to...
Brad: You don't know, do you?
Rob: Nope, not a clue. Let's try the waterfront.
Brad: It is hopeless. You do not know where F.E.A.R. is holding its meeting and you have no chance of finding it in such a short time. You find a convenient spot, change into your street clothes and hail a cab. The driver has his radio on.
As he chats away, the radio sputters and fizzles. The music dies and an unscheduled annoucement interrupts the programme. A steely voice with a sinister tone speaks slowly and clearly:
Silver Braggart: Fuck.
Voice: This message is being broadcast on all frequencies simultaneously in all languages to all areas of the globe. The admin was a fucking nightmare. My name is Vladimir Utoshski. I am known as the Titanium Cyborg.
Silver Braggart: Bet he's got a tiny nob, eh?
Utoshski: My organisation is known to you as the Federation of Euro-American Rebels. My message is this. We have taken control of the "Star Wars"satellite which orbits the Earth. We demand the unconditional surrender of all your governments and military establishments and the submission of all citizens to our leadership. Any resistance will be dealt with harshly. Our city will obliterate, one by one, the major cities of the Earth. As proof of our power, Titan City will be exterminated in exactly thirty seconds.
Rob: As well it should.
Brad: You have failed to stop the meeting of F.E.A.R. The whole world must now pay the penalty.

No one ever wants to serve in Hell...
The Seven Deadlies, a demon club in Philsdelphia, has always catered to the most attractive and desirable hosts. Recently, though, more and moreof the lower dregs of society have been showing up with demons of their own - in alarming numbers. Exorcist Morgan Kingsley is sure that Dougal, the demon king's brother, is behind this, but isn't sure why. Is DOugal building an army to snatch the throne of the demons from his brother Lugh?
If there's one person who can get to the bottom of this, it's Morgan, but caught between her mortal lover Brian and the demon she lusts for, it's going to take everything she has to keep her head - and her heart - in the game.
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