Friday, 16 October 2009

E14 Exchange

Brad: I've got five book reviews going up tomorrow. Then another three turn up in the post today. Is there a word for something that is equal parts win and fail.
Rob : Schadenfreude?
Brad: No, that's...yeah, sure, whatever.


Rob : (on finding out Brad had been given a Hannah Montana gift card from GAME) Does your gift card come in heterosexual as well?
Brad: It comes in Harry Potter, so I guess that's in the eye of the beholder.
Rob : Bet you'd have been glad to get the Potter one right?
Brad: I just think she looks like Zapp Brannigan.
Rob : I suppose you're right, I never noticed that...


Rob : Gay.
Brad: Well, that was just uncalled for.
Rob : Pot calling kettle...


Brad: We need a boardgame based on E14. E14opoly.
Rob : What would the properties say though?
Brad: "Go directly to Underground Fighting Movie. Do not pass go. Do not collect £200."
Rob : Only supposed to be a couple of those in the card deck though...


Rob : I'm going to set up a reward card somewhere in the name of Doctor Ballbags, and then when they confirm as "Mr Ballbags" I'll shout "I didn't go to medical school to be called MR BALLBAGS!"
Brad: "You didn't go to medical school." "Like I said...I didn't go to medical school to be called Mr Ballbags."

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