Monday, 30 November 2020

SWC+ Round Table - Episode 21: The Round Table Returns!

Hi everyone, Rob here.

As you might have noticed if you've seen the good Mr Cast's posts, the Round Table has been set up on a brand new feed. There are a couple of reasons for this, but part of it is that we at the Star Wars Commonwealth have decided to rethink the shape of the network. After some discussions, while the network isn't going anywhere, we are making some changes. To highlight the changes, and discuss a little of the thinking behind them, Rob Cast brought together some of the hosts across the network (Tim from The Nerd Room, Rob Williams from Generation X-Wing) and myself to discuss the new direction, the new name and the future.

My current plan is to continue to support the Round Table by continuing to add it to the Talk Star Wars podcast feed for a decent length of time (6-12 months) to give people a chance to get a feel for the new show, and to allow plenty of time for people to migrate.

Anyway, enjoy! I'm on this, my first podcast appearance in 9 months! It felt wonderful to talk to the guys, and to give a little bit of background behind the 2020 plan for Talk Star Wars (and, ultimately, what went wrong).

Rob Wade

"This month the Round Table returns! Rob is joined by Rob Wade, Rob Williams and Tim Truax to discuss the SWC rebrand and the re-launch of the Round Table."





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