Wednesday, 20 February 2019

E14 Endorsed: Woo Long Talks - DOUBLE BILL

The boys at Woo Long Talks have been busy, so this week I'm pleased to show you TWO new shows on their feed!

Episode 61 - Broken Glass everywhere!

On this week's episode, host Jason is all on his own but happy to babble on about a range of topics, from the arcades at Namco Funscape, to his thoughts on 'Glass' and why it's fun to watch horror movies and TV shows from around the world.

Is it worth a Tenner? - Kingdom Non spoilers review

'Kingdom' is a big budget Korean Horror/Political Thriller/Historical drama that certainly packs a punch, but is it worth a binge, or would your time be better spent elsewhere?

Listen in to hear our non spoiler thoughts on the show!

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