Friday 28 July 2017

The E14 Gamecast - Episode 27: The Turner!

Rob and Blake chat for about an hour about all sorts of games. Arcades! Quantum Break! Breath of the Wild! We talk about all sorts of stuff!

If you want to give us your thoughts on the games we talk about, ask us questions or even suggest topics for us to talk about, you can contact us by email using, tweet @emotionally14 or find us on the Emotionally14 Facebook page! For our gaming videos, check out the E14 Plays Playlist on YouTube!

Rob is on Twitter @RobWadeVision and you can find Blake @fucksakeblake!

About The E14 Gamecast

The E14 Gamecast is a show all about games. Initially recorded as a short chat about the Titanfall beta, the crew has talked about all sorts of subjects ranging from Eurogamer Expo, the previous console generations and general comments about what they're playing at the time.


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