Tuesday, 30 August 2016

The E14 Gamecast - Episode 16: Let's Play...Aliens! (30th Anniversary Special)

On the 29th August 1986, James Cameron's Aliens was released in the United Kingdom. One thing we at E14 agree on is that we love the movie Aliens. One thing that we also like quite a bit is the Aliens board game, published by Leading Edge Games.

Combining these things resulted in what you are about to enjoy, which is a Let's Play session where we go through the Reactor level of the Aliens board game. Unfortunately, technical issues didn't allow us to progress further through the recording, but what we got was an enjoyable show that we're publishing today as Episode 16 of "The E14 Gamecast".

In a less typical move, we're also publishing it on "The Crazy Train" podcast feed! While it's not a Crazy Train episode, we think it's good fun and wanted to give Crazy Train listeners the chance to hear the kind of fun we have on The E14 Gamecast for those who don't subscribe. Normal service will resume for both shows next episode, but enjoy this in the meantime!

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