Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Almighty Thor Giveaway

Legends tell that in times of great need a hero will rise. That time is now...

The lord of the underworld, Loki (Richard Grieco), unleashes a war against the divine realm of Asgard in an attempt to steal the Hammer of Invincibility, Mjolnir. With Valhalla on the brink of collapse, Lord Odin (played by six-time world wrestling champion Kevin Nash) sends his son, Thor, to Earth to keep the Hammer safe. But Loki follows him, bringing death and destruction with him. Thor must accept his destiny and become the God of Thunder to face his enemy in an apocalyptic clash that will decide the fate of humanity.

Thanks to our friends at Metrodome, we've got three copies of Almighty Thor on DVD to give away! For your chance of winning, send your name and full postal address to emotionally14@hotmail.co.uk before midday on Tuesday 30th August, making sure to put "Almighty Thor" as the subject. The first three entries out of the electronic hat after the competition closes will receive a free copy!

Don't forget to put "Almighty Thor" in the subject line. Incorrectly labelled or blank entries will be discarded.

Almighty Thor is available from 29th August, courtesy of Metrodome.

Entries limited to one per household. Offer open only to postal addresses in the UK and Ireland.

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