Thursday, 15 February 2018

Aaron's Spoiler-Free Review of "Interstellar"

That’s right, another sci-fi movie that I’m late to the party to. Christopher Nolan has been sweating and shaking for 4 years waiting to hear what I have to say.

Well, panic no more, Chrissy! Your movie was fab! Pour yourself a drink, buddy, you earned it!

Right, now we got that out of the way, let’s slag this piece of shit right off!

Only joking, Chris!

Nah, this movie was definitely a banger. Took me ages to watch it though. Three hours? Shit, son!

Interstellar is based on an Earth where dust clouds roam the land and food is running out, in fact, all they can grow is corn!

So, when a weird gravity ghost gives Matthew McConaughey the coordinates to a secret underground NASA base, he finds himself on a whimsical journey through space and time to find another planet for the hoomuns to ruin.

Bit of a mad film, this one, but by no means in a bad way. We have crap robots that aren’t so crap after all, physics and shit, spaceships, Michael Caine, gravity ghosts, a fuck load of water, a black guy, and Anne Hathaway.

Interstellar has a lot to offer with a fantastic cast, brilliant storytelling with plenty of surprises along the way, excellent visuals and just enough action action to keep you engaged without turning this flick into a full-on balls-out thrill-a-minute fuckfest.

Aaron's Spoiler-Free Rating: Interstellar is a pretty complex film, what with all the craziness and stuff, but as a big movie buff who has seen way more films than what is considered healthy, I saw the ending a mile off. Nice try, Chris. But without giving too much away, you will see the errors for yourself, as “these sorts of films” are notorious for. – 7/10

Aaron James Waters is a best-selling Pulp Fiction writer who has written more books than he's actually read.

He's also the rotten apple of the group who thinks this whole Star Wars thing needs to hurry up and die already.

You can find Aaron's debut novel on Amazon!

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