Wednesday, 11 January 2017

Podcasts Coming Soon!

Podcast fans of Emotionally14 will be pleased to know that last night we recorded an episode of The Crazy Train and The E14 Gamecast! It was a packed house, with our biggest cast since changing recording locations, as Rob was joined by Blake, Crouch, Spike and Marc! It's the first time Spike and Marc have recorded together, and that was always going to be a special moment!

Anyway, first impressions from the cast were that the episodes turned out great! They're now entering the post-production phase, and we hope to be able to share the first of the two (most likely The Crazy Train #45) at the end of next week!

Don't forget, if you want to get your questions read out on the air, the best way is to connect with us on social media, either over at @Emotionally14 on Twitter, Our Facebook Page or by emailing Here. Of course, you can find both our podcasts on iTunes by searching "emotionally14" in the Podcast store, and you can also find full episodes on Youtube and Stitcher!

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