Friday, 22 January 2016

Introducing - E14 Blind Bag Battle!

Today, E14 is proud to introduce a new Youtube venture, Blind Bag Battle.

In a Blind Bag Battle, two members of Team E14 do battle as only members of Team E14 should: Little plastic models. In this particular instance, the idea is to make the unboxing of blind bagged miniatures a little more exciting, with a game themed on popular favourite Top Trumps.

This time round, our combatants are Rob Wade and Omer Ibrahim. They will be doing battle using the Heroclix Avengers: Age of Ultron Gravity Feed set, using a die roll to decide their chosen battle conditions. The options:

  1. Points
  2. Speed
  3. Attack
  4. Defense
  5. Damage
  6. Total Clix

Being as a standard Gravity Feed box contains 24 miniatures, this Blind Bag Battle is contested over 11 rounds (First to 6 wins!) with the victor able to open the remaining 2 bags in the finale. Who will get slightly more airtime, and an extra plastic model to caress lovingly? You'll have to tune in to find out!

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